GRABBLE INSTRUCTIONSThis Grabble Java applet plays a regular game of Grabble, a variant of the classic Anagrams game. It requires your browser to have a Java plug-in of version 1.2 or better. If you can see text entry boxes and stuff in the large box above, it should work fine. Otherwise, please get the Java plug-in from http://java.sun.com/products/plugin/ .Arbitrary numbers of human and computer players can participate in a game. (See the ADVANCED section to change the number of players.) The "Comp plays at same time" option lets the computer players either wait for the humans to make a move or play with the humans in real time. THE USER INTERFACEBefore we start, you may wish to look at the GRABBLE RULES section to better understand my terminology...The interface is divided as follows:
USAGEKeep clicking REVEAL TILE until enough letters appear.The first player to see a word (up to you to decide how to settle this -- shouts, buzzers, fistfights etc) types it in his/her Word-grab box (the yellow box under his/her scoreboard) and presses Enter (or clicks the Grab word for player button). Sometimes this doesn't work, so you'll have to manually edit the pool and hands. When everyone passes, repeat the above until the Bag (or everyone's patience) runs out. OPTIONSThe options marked "*" and especially "**" should not be used together on slower computers or those with less memory.
ADVANCEDSeveral other options (e.g. number of players, word list, score/number of each letter and even icon to use in Bag) can be changed by editing the <param> tag in this HTML file (obviously you're not supposed to edit the file on my site, so download grabble5.zip and do it on your own computer!)If you wish to change the word list the computer uses to grab words, create a text file with one word per line, with each line being the sorted letters of the word, a tab character then the word itself, all in lower case (e.g. abbeglr[tab]grabble). Only the letters a to z are allowed and the whole word list must be sorted alphabetically. Change the anagramList parameter in the HTML file to point to the correct file. You may find the makeana.pl Perl script useful. See the existing ispell.ana for an example. If you've access to the Java console (under Tools menu in Netscape/Mozilla, Tools>Internet Options>Advanced tab>Java VM in IE), have a look when the bag is refilled or when show-clues is on -- did somebody say, "Cheat?" The source code Grabble.java is provided, so as long as you give me credit and do not use it for any commercial purpose (e.g. make money off it), you're welcome to distribute and improve it (bug-fixes and drag & drop would be nice). Please let me know about your masterpiece. |
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GRABBLE RULESGrabble is a fun and fast-paced game using the tiles from a well-known word game henceforth called "S-game" or a similar board game. All players play at the same time so there's no more waiting for your opponents to move!As tiles are revealed one by one, players attempt to increase their score by grabbing their opponents' words while protecting their own. It helps to have quick thinking and reflexes (and a calm mind when S's or blanks appear!). LET THE GAME BEGINBefore the game starts, players agree on:
GAME PLAYIf the bag is empty, go to the END GAME section.With players taking turns, a tile is taken out of the bag, revealed to all players (at the same time) and put into the pool. The player who first shouts out a valid word (no shorter than the minimum word length) made from:
If it is doubtful who shouted first, all offending words are ignored until the next tile is revealed, but players can continue shouting other words. If noone makes any words, after a reasonable pause (5 to 10 seconds), play in the GAME PLAY section is repeated. END GAMEIf there are tiles left in the pool, players are given around 1 minute to make words. Scores are then calculated for each player using the agreed system.EXAMPLEAli, Bala, Carol and Ding decide to play Grabble with blanks (non-sticking values), minimum word length of 3 and simple English words.Ali picks an A then Bala picks a T. Ali shouts AT, but AT is too short, so Carol continues and picks a C. Carol yells TAC, Bala cries CAT then Ding bellows ACT. Both CAT and ACT are acceptable but TAC is not. As Bala cried first, he grabs the tiles and makes CAT in front of him. (Pool: empty, Bala: CAT) The turn skips back to Bala who picks a U. Bala bawls out CUT, but is prevented from grabbing it as it involves splitting CAT. (Pool: U, Bala: CAT) As noone says anything after several seconds, Carol picks an S. Ding screams CATS while Bala barks SCAT at the same time, then Ali exclaims ACTS. As they could not decide whether CATS or SCAT came first, both are ignored and the next word, ACTS, is accepted. Ali makes ACTS and adds a P to the U in the pool. (Pool: UP, Ali: ACTS) Ding suddenly shrieks CAST, but that is not allowed as no new tiles are added to ACTS. Unfortunately, noone sees CATSUP, so Bala continues and picks a blank. The scene is utter chaos, but somehow Ding manages to roar PUB first, using the blank as a B. (Pool: empty, Ali: ACTS, Ding: PU-) Ding grabs the tiles, but before she picks the next letter, Carol grabs both CATS and PU(blank) to form TEACUPS with the blank being the E, thanks to her years playing Countdown ;-) (Pool: empty, Carol: T-ACUPS) The game continues with CAPTURES and so on until the tiles (and the players) are exhausted. Finally, the score for each player is tallied to find the winner. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||